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Título alterno:
(El Futbol o Yo - Cada día Te Quiero mas - Futbolholic - It's Soccer or Me - My Love or My Passi)
Sos mi pasión
Las pasión de Pedro (Adrián Suar) por el fútbol sobrepasa la de la mayoría de los mortales: es un adicto total al fútbol, una pasión que está arruinando su vida matrimonial. Tanto que Verónica (Julieta Díaz), su mujer, comienza a ver insostenible el que su marido dedique la mayor parte de su tiempo al fútbol y nada a la pareja. Cuando encima un día Pedro es despedido del trabajo por ver un partido de fútbol durante el horario laboral, el asunto adquiere tintes de tragedia. Así que Verónica da un ultimátum a su marido: si Pedro quiere volver con ella, deberá elegir entre los dos y rehabilitarse de su adicción. Pedro Pintos (Adrián Suar), a call center manager at an important medical services company, is a football (soccer) fan of any team, jersey, league or nationality. He watches football anytime, anywhere, at home, at work, even on weekends. He's been married to Verónica (Julieta Díaz) for twenty years and they have two teenage daughters. His passion for football has been with him since childhood, living together quite in harmony with the rest of his life. But, before he knew it, his obsession started to gradually take control of his whole life and, mainly, his loved ones. Suddenly, Pedro finds himself separated from Veronica and fired from his job. Deep in his own misery, he acknowledges himself as a football addict and decides to look for help. He finds it at an Alcoholic Anonymous group, where he hides his real addiction. Pedro will try to get his old life back, and find the balance between his passion for football and the love for his family. But it might be too late. INFORMACION ADICIONAL: - CALIDAD DE AUDIOS: ESPAÑOL LATINO 5.1 - EDICION ORIGINAL Y MENU ORIGINALES - PG-13 - GENEROS Y SUBGENEROS: Comedia. Romance | Comedia romántica. Fútbol - SCREEN: Widescreen
Espanol Latino
Espanol Latino,Ingles
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Mendorock Media Inc.
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La Paz, Bolivia