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El libro de Henry

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(The Book of Henry - O livro de Henry)
El libro de Henry
Una madre soltera, Susan, cría a sus dos hijos, uno de los cuales, Henry, es superdotado. Susan descubrirá que la familia de al lado, donde vive Christina, una de las compañeras de clase de Henry, tiene secretos, y que su hijo ha elaborado un plan para ayudar a Christina. Sometimes things are not always what they seem, especially in the small suburban town where the Carpenter family lives. Single suburban mother Susan Carpenter works as a waitress at a diner, alongside feisty family friend Sheila. Her younger son Peter is a playful 8-year-old. Taking care of everyone and everything in his own unique way is Susan's older son Henry, age 11. Protector to his adoring younger brother and tireless supporter of his often self-doubting mother - and, through investments, of the family as a whole - Henry blazes through the days like a comet. Susan discovers that the family next door, which includes Henry's kind classmate Christina, has a dangerous secret - and that Henry has devised a surprising plan to help. As his brainstormed rescue plan for Christina takes shape in thrilling ways, Susan finds herself at the center of it. PUNTAJES: IMDB: 6.4 METASCORE: 41/100 FILMAFFINITY: 5.6 TOMATOMETER: 22% AUDIENCE SCORE: 63% INFORMACION ADICIONAL: - CALIDAD DE AUDIOS: INGLES 5.1 ESPAÑOL LATINO 5,1 - EDICION ORIGINAL Y MENU ORIGINALES - PG-13 - GENEROS Y SUBGENEROS: Dram, Familiar. - SCREEN: Widescreen EXTRAS: SI
Espanol Latino,Ingles
Frances,Ingles,Espanol Latino
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Mendorock Media Inc.
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La Paz, Bolivia