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The Day

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The Day
La guerra ha devastado el mundo y cinco jóvenes intentan sobrevivir en un escenario de violencia y crueldad en el que se ha convertido el mundo. This film is set in the near future in a post-apocalyptic time with five survivors struggling to get through each day. They are on the move to find food and other survivors as well as a safe place to hold up for a while. They stumble across a dilapidated house in the country, so they check it out when things turn bad. The house is not as safe as they hoped, and there are other people who have morbid uses for them. Will they survive?
Espanol Latino
Nota: Si no tenemos la película en nuestra base de datos, no olvides preguntar por la misma, tenemos más de 50.000 títulos.
Mendorock Media Inc.
Estamos en:
Av. Sucre #849 Entre Pichincha y Jenaro Sanjinés
La Paz, Bolivia