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Almas en conflicto - Castillos en la arena

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(The Sandpiper - Adeus às Ilusões)
Almas en conflicto - Castillos en la arena
Laura Reynolds es una pintora inconformista y de gran talento: no ha querido casarse con el padre de su hijo y no desea someterse a las reglas morales imperantes en la sociedad. Vive en la costa de California con su hijo de nueve años. El niño es detenido por matar a un animal y, como ya había cometido otros pequeños delitos, el juez exige que sea internado en un colegio. Twenty-something Laura Reynolds is a free spirit who questions social conventions, laws and regulations. A struggling artist, she lives in a secluded beach-side cabin in Big Sur with her nine year old illegitimate son, Danny, on who she has instilled her values. Because of this questioning of convention, Laura has decided to home school Danny. Also because of this questioning of the law, Danny runs into some legal problems, and as such is court ordered to be sent to San Simeon, a Christian school in Monterey. This order is against Laura's wishes. The school's headmaster is Dr. Rev. Edward Hewitt, who tries to convince Laura that San Simeon is not the prison she probably believes it to be. Married for twenty-one years to his faithful wife Claire, Edward has become more a fund-raiser at all cost (for a new chapel) rather than an educator or priest. Despite their differences, Laura and Edward begin to fall for each other. Both but especially Edward have to reconcile their feelings for . PUNTAJES: IMDB: 6.3 TOMATOMETER: 28% INFORMACION ADICIONAL: - CALIDAD DE AUDIOS: INGLES 2.0 FRANCES 2.0 - EDICION ORIGINAL Y MENU ORIGINALES - PG-13 (Sugiere la compañía de un adulto para los menores de 13 años) - GENEROS Y SUBGENEROS: Dama. - SCREEN: Widescreen
Espanol Latino,Ingles,Frances
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Mendorock Media Inc.
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