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1898. Los ultimos de Filipinas

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(1898. Los ultimos de Filipinas - 1898. Los ultimos de Filipinas)
1898. Los ultimos de Filipinas
A finales del siglo XIX, en la colonia española de Filipinas, un destacamento español fue sitiado en el pueblo de Baler, en la isla filipina de Luzón, por insurrectos filipinos revolucionarios, durante 337 días. En diciembre de 1898, con la firma del Tratado de París entre España y Estados Unidos, se ponía fin formalmente a la guerra entre ambos países y España cedía la soberanía sobre Filipinas a Estados Unidos. Debido a esto, los sitiados en Baler son conocidos como "los últimos de Filipinas". In 1898, Spain sends a military squad to the town of Baler, Philippines, to protect one of the last colonies of the Spanish Empire, to avoid rebellious natives from recovering its ancient territories. Lead by Captain Enrique de las Morenas and Lieutenant Cerezo, proud military men, the soldiers are stalked by night by the rebels, and are forced to seek refuge in the church run by Fray Carmelo, Baler's priest. Turning the church into a military fort, the unrelenting heat and malaria starts to sweep across the men. After the Captain's death by a disease called beriberi, Cerezo steps in as the new leader of the squad, faced with a constant power struggle with Jimeno, a soldier from the previous squad annihilated by the rebels. Becoming more and more paranoid and obsessive with the victory and the glory of the Spanish Empire, the rebels close to Cerezo explain that Spain has already sold the Philippine Islands to the USA, ceding all the colonies from the Spanish Empire, and that the war ... PUNTAJES: IMDB: 6.5 INFORMACION ADICIONAL: - CALIDAD DE AUDIOS: ESPAÑOL ESPAÑA 5.1 - EDICION ORIGINAL Y MENU ORIGINALES - PG-13 - GENEROS Y SUBGENEROS: Ciencia ficción. Aventuras. Bélico | Futuro postapocalíptico. Simios. Secuela. 3-D. - SCREEN: Widescreen
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